Der Small Typ: 1954 wurde Dr. George King erhalten eine E-Mail von nicht identifiziert ihn bitten, zu bringen des Markt. Er gründete eine gemeinnützige Organisation bekannt als Aetherius Kultur die Lektionen einer jenseitigen Intelligenz fair zu teilen und zu helfen, die aufgeschlossenen Menschen helfen regionalen Teil in den USA, Großbritannien, Kanada, Australischer Kontinent, Japan, Schweden, und verschiedenen anderen Nationen global. Von einmal wöchentlich Gebetszeiten Unterrichtsstunden bis zu jährlichen Pilgerfahrten erschließt sich die Ätherius Gesellschaft ein kosmisches Fachwissen und spirituelle Kraft das ist jenseits von Meinung.


Liebe ist tatsächlich eine mysteriöse Kraft in das Weltmarkt ansehen. Liebe verbindet Individuen, motiviert Maßnahmen, und gibt was bedeutet Millionen von|unzähligen|Dutzenden von|einer unglaublichen Anzahl von|vielen} Alltag. Obwohl wir vielleicht nicht ständig es verstehen, ist Liebe ist wichtig für was Ätherius Gesellschaft für Europäische Länder, kontrastiert möchte Trinkwasser in einem anderen von seinem Predigten: “auf die gleiche Weise Existenz wie Sie vielleicht wissen es auf dem Planeten konnte auftreten ohne Flüssigkeit, nichts innerhalb des Universum ansehen, könnte ohne Liebe auftreten. “

Der Ätherius Kultur ist tatsächlich ein langjähriger religiöser Unternehmen fokussiert auf spirituell Verständnis und humanitäre Funktionen. Mitglieder von der Gemeinschaft vertrauen auf erhöhtes kontaktieren, um bieten Menschheit durch Sammeln und Senden Positiv Energie. Im Jahr 1955 gründete ein Visionär Pilates Meister genannt Dr. George King gegründet die interkontinentale religiöse Gesellschaft, nachdem der Typ erhalten wurde telepathische Kommunikation von einem größeren Alien Klugheit. Der Typ dachte es war ihre Aufgabe zu teilen die optimistische Information des Mitgefühls, Trost, und Liebe.

Heute bietet der Ätherius Gesellschaft tatsächlich Existenz in London, la, und einige Stadtzentren weltweit. Seine Menschen allgemein verbinden, um verteilen genießen und heilen Kraftstoff innerhalb Gemeinschaften und durch die Globus. Solltest du glauben interessiert an diesem heiligen Ziel, du wirst Besuch eine Vorlesung, eine andere Heilung Traditionen verbunden mit dem gemeinnützigen Organisation. Jeder, unabhängig ihrem einzigartigen Geschichte oder Standpunkte, ist Danke für Ihren Besuch Nehmen Sie an Bemühungen der Ätherius Kultur Bemühungen ihr religiöses Verständnis zu verbessern , in Bezug auf Ätherius Gemeinschaft. “Wir sind hier zu versuchen und senden so viel groß religiös Elektrizität für alle sogar wie wir können. “

Dr. George King gegründet gründete die spirituelle Bewegung im Jahr 1955

In könnte 1954 eine Nachricht Beteiligte Dr. George King, wer war ein Meister von Yoga und eine hypnotische Trance mittlere, während er was at their dull in London. A gentle, yet company, voice outside their human body considered him: “ready yourself! You are being the voice for the Interplanetary Parliament.”

Now, George had never ever observed an interplanetary parliament, but the ethereal words kept him stunned. He realized he previouslyn’t thought them, but he couldn’t fathom the things they required. The guy invested with the rest of their life trying to realize the master plan established by that prophetic original contact. Although the guy could not explain precisely why, he said he realized without a doubt he was basically contacted by an alien and effective force to help deliver mankind straight back from brink of devastation.

By growing his religious comprehension and forging telepathic channels, George heard several other emails through the extraterrestrial communicators, including a Venusian Master known as Aetherius, and is a Greek word definition tourist through the ether.

George formally began The Aetherius culture in 1955. His aim was to spread the theories of this alien gods and lead other people down a path of enlightenment and serenity. The business has actually since evolved into a worldwide activity encompassing numerous souls focused on living and enjoying on a greater spiritual amount.

Look for the incredible story of Dr. George King’s life work here. As George himself mentioned, “I do not ask the unbeliever to think simultaneously, but just demand which he can be applied whatever Aetherius states to his or her own reason.”

Find Healing & reason on Pilgrimages to Holy Mountains

What connections people in The Aetherius culture together is a strong, heartfelt want to assist other people to make globally an improved location. Individuals from all walks of life, from Quakers to atheists, navigate to your Aetherius Society. “All of our users originate from differing backgrounds in accordance with various examples of religious development,” Oscar said, “even so they all communicate the interior understanding or craving as of spiritual solution to the world.”

The corporation allows you for beginners to have included by inviting them to go to divine services or prayer rituals. All week-long, people can immerse themselves during the sermons, lectures, courses, and religious undertakings associated with the community. You’ll research events on the internet and discover whenever your regional section convenes. The instructional and friendly atmosphere promotes people to indulge in the visualizations, mantras, and prayers focused on fostering globe peace.

“its all extremely positive,” Oscar told all of us. “we now have quite a few powerful prayers and traditions always purify the heart and heal the whole world.”

Among the Aetherius culture’s most time-honored practices is actually their pilgrimages to holy hills that have huge amounts of religious energy. The organization understands 19 hills charged with tremendous spiritual significance. Since 1959, a huge selection of users have traveled for the mountains to charge and advance their particular spirits.

During times during the crisis, the culture draws from these holy internet sites to release good power into the globe to offset disasters, wartime dispute, political upheavals, along with other real disasters.

“Anybody of every degree of development can go to the mountains and do a selfless work of service to make contact with the spiritual efforts contained within it,” Oscar informed you. “the feeling differs from person to person, but it is usually really good and beneficial. Folks of all faiths, or no specific belief, tend to be welcome to join these pilgrimages.”

Open-Minded Individuals Offer Their Learning & Support

From Ca to Australia, countless considerate people have become fans associated with Aetherius community and found usual soil with spiritual people that communicate similar opinions. Sometimes the corporation has actually fostered dedicated romantic connections.

Oscar informed us the guy came across his wife at an Aetherius culture occasion. She was actually a pal of a single of the members and went to an Operation Power Prayer event because she was interested in the culture. The woman genuine interest and good attitude caught Oscar’s interest. He informed all of us he appreciates her capacity to understand their viewpoints and discuss their objectives.

Today they are gladly hitched and focused on alike cause of promoting serenity worldwide. “She recognizes the importance of serving humankind,” he mentioned. “All of our union happens to be invaluable to my own personal religious development. It’s been a blessing in many ways.”

Through The Aetherius community, countless kind-hearted people have located neighborhood and companionship. The corporation reduces obstacles between people and encourages hooking up on a greater spiritual plane.

“it is extremely crucial currently within our background to bring men and women collectively and reach beyond edges,” Oscar mentioned. “At the forefront of The Aetherius culture’s theories is the fact that our company is one people, therefore we need certainly to work a lot more together.”

The Aetherius community has Enlightenment Through Service

“adore is an all-permeating electricity, basically above mind,” Dr. George King when mentioned in a sermon. “It is the great energy regarding the cosmos.”

Although George passed on in 1997, his essential message resides in The Aetherius culture. The need to do good, share love, and unite mankind drives the entity in question onward, and from now on a fresh generation of religious individuals have stepped-up to lead the culture inside the 21st century.

Through regular sermons, pilgrimages, and other holy endeavors, The Aetherius Society features furthered the religious trips of countless folks around the world. Anyone can relate with people in this area and discover importance within the theories of really love, comfort, and acceptance.

“its a cosmic purpose, but it’s prepared for everyone,” Oscar informed all of us. “All of our users, site visitors, and sympathizers show an aspire to provide which help treat globally through a larger cosmic understanding of the universe.”